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CAD/CAM Nesting System

PN4000 is the CAD / CAM / Nesting system for PPS / ERP-driven programming of CNC cutting, punching and portal milling machines of all kinds. The various modules and interfaces enable flexible job shop manufacturing, up to unmanned fully automated, industrial process chains.

Our specialists analyze together with you the requirements and put the needed modules together – and determine, if necessary, the individual development / adaptation effort.

Basic Functions

  • Cross-module data flow
  • Concept and detaile functions completely automatable
  • Manual changes at the component and on the nesting at any time
  • Optimizer for shortest moving distances and process times
  • Free definable macros
  • Nesting of any geometries

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Integrated bending simulation

From the finished assembly to the production-ready DXF file, the data sets must pass through several process steps. With our integrated bending simulation, we offer you a manufacturer-independent complete solution. This eliminates all interfaces between 3D and 2D. Our software solution generates the nesting, the unwinding and the finished bending programme from your parts in one interface – fully automatically ERP-controlled if required.

Basic functions

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Mr. Spitzmüller, Head of NC programming at Meiko

„In the past, it was new production methods that made our work easier. Today, digital imaging and optimization of manufacturing processes with integrated connectivity bring significant improvements and increases in efficiency. ‘The products and the philosophy of WiCAM fit perfectly to the dynamics of our company. Manufacturer-independent, interconnected, reliable and individually adaptable to innovations in the shortest possible time.“

Success Story

Driven Technologies


Lasern automates the programming of laser systems. The application has material and sheet thickness-dependent databases. Complex geometry shapes, contour sizes, labeling and special machining of a component are automatically detected and processed optimally.


  • Automatic contour cut and leadin/-out, with collision control
  • Automatic recognition of different contour and pierce types
  • Automatic cutting of waste
  • Automatic setting of unloading system (succer- / magnet systems)
  • Automatic setting of microjoints
  • Automatic setting of microwelding
  • Automatic engraving / marking
  • Automatic protection of tilt-critical contours
  • Different leadin/-out strategys
  • Support of fly-cutting
  • Support for high-speed cutting (head down)
  • Automatic film burning
  • Automatic corner reduction
  • Leadin hollow

Check connected machines

Oxyfuel / Plasma

Special functions are available for oxyfuel and plasma systems. For example, bevel information can be interpreted in CAD and automatically converted into correct processing.


  • Automatic contour cutting with leadin/-out, with collision control
  • Automatic recognition of various cutting parameters
  • Support of multi-burner units
  • Automatic grid cutting
  • Automatic setting of microjoints
  • Automatic engraving / marking
  • Different leadin strategies
  • Automatic corner reduction
  • Leadin hollow
  • Automatic setting of bevels – upper / lower bevel with / without web, X-bevel and K-bevel (requires the module ‘bevel cutting’)
  • Support of 5-axis machining for bevels with dynamic angle change (requires the ‘bevel cutting’ module)

Check connected machines


For waterjet systems the following functions are available.


  • Automatic contour cutting with leadin/-out, with collision control
  • Automatic recognition of different cutting qualities and parameters
  • Support of multi-burner units
  • Automatic grid cutting
  • Automatic setting of microjoints
  • Automatic engraving / marking
  • Automatic reduction depending on the angle change
  • Automatic reduction depending on the radius
  • Automatic reduction at the end of the cut
  • Different leadin strategies
  • Automatic corner reduction
  • Leadin hollow
  • Automatic setting of bevels – upper / lower bevel with / without web, X-bevel and K-bevel (requires the module ‘bevel cutting’)
  • Support of 5-axis machining for bevels with dynamic angle change (requires the ‘bevel cutting’ module)


Punching automates the programming of CNC punching machines, from rectangular parts to complex contours. The algorithms recognize and control special tools, common cut-outs, necessary loading and unloading cycles, and avoid deformations and dangerours areas.


  • Automatic tool placement for any geometry
  • Hole destruction for arbitrary inner and outer contours (Islands)
  • Automatic search of replacement tools
  • Common cuts with automatic unloading of parts by flap or lift
  • Automatic detection / use of multitools, perforation tools and all kinds ofspecial tools
  • Automatic repositioning, turning and/or flipping for oversized sheets
  • Automatic optimization of the tool sequence
  • Minimization of tool changes
  • Automatic placement of engraving or labels
  • Automatic placement of micro joints

Check connected machines

Punch Laser Combi

PunchLaserCombi automates the programming of combined punch laser machines. The advantages of the respective technologies and the synergies of both are used fully. Especially complex programs can be created extreme fast and easy.


  • Automatic selection of the best technology
  • Automatic contour cutting with leadin/-out, with collision control and pre punch
  • Automatic combined tool placement for any geometry
  • Combined hole destruction for any inner and outer contours (islands)
  • Automatic search of replacement tools
  • Common cuts with combined tooling, automatic disposal of parts / scrap by trap door or lift
  • Combination or unique use of all Laser and Punch – features

Check connected machines


Shear automatically create the machining for all kinds of ‘right angle shear / punch’ (RAS) combination machines.


  • Automatic support of punch-shear combination
  • Automatically optimized nesting for right angle shears
  • Automatic shear unloading seqeuenz optimation
  • Automatic repositioning with repos cylinder or shear
  • Automatic destruction of scrap island and leftover strips
  • Automatic control of individual clamps
  • Consideration of minimum shear faces and widths
  • Automatic determination of part sorting addresses
  • Optimization of combined punching / shearing sequence
  • Automatic cutting of the remaining strip with parting tool

Check connected machines


Router automates the creation of portal milling programs up to 2 ½D. Different units for portal milling, drilling and sawing are automatically detected and supported.


  • Automatic routing of any inner contours
  • Automatic routing and editing of outer contours
  • Recognition of machining cycles such as thread, blind hole, stepped bore
  • Automatic tool selection
  • Support of additional aggregates such as engraving, sawing etc.

Check connected machines


PNBend is the integrated bending simulation in the PN4000 for external programming of press brakes from various manufacturers. The automatic functions create the bending programmes for your machines quickly and easily from 3D data.


  • Simulation
  • Full automation possible
  • Unfold of individual parts and assemblies
  • Reading in bending tools
  • Programming of different bending technologies
  • Recognition of geometries
  • Attribute recognition

Description supported machines

Modules - Extensions

Modules Details

The creation of holistic automation solutions based on CAD and order data has always been one of WiCAM’s core competencies.

This includes communication with various solutions of warehouse systems, transport logistics, order systems, calculation programs, etc.

Especially the ERP / PPS connectivity provides our customers with holistic next level automation solutions – from raw materials through production and delivery to post-calculation and analysis.

Automate your production

Every modern production has its own philosophies, production methods and production steps. Since the first program line, we pay particular attention to these individual needs and ensure the integration into the automatic programming process. Together with our customers, we have proven over the last decades with thousands of solutions: not possible does not exist.

By linking PPS / ERP systems, CAD data and any data sources, our solutions enable the highest possible level of automation. Regardless of whether you want to control individual loading, unloading, storage or conveying systems, or integrate process-related techniques such as coil forming, bending, embossing, milling, chamfering, engraving, labeling, sorting, palletising, – or combine machines and options from different manufacturers – We look forward to partner with you to develop uniquely efficient solutions.

Unfold 3D parts and complete assemblies
Automatic Nesting increase efficiency
Full Automation Control all processes with one system

CAD/CAM/PPS Group Solution Siemens

  • Automated batch routines for all program functions
  • Control of all punching, laser and bending machines
  • Control of all automatic suction and transport systems
  • Scalable automation solutions
  • Open interface structure for data exchange according to Industry 4.0

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our Software Products

CAD/CAM System


CADCAM/Nesting solution for ERP/PPS controlled CNC cutting, punching, shearing, milling and combined machining

Order Management


Order management, detailed planning, production feedback and monitoring of deadlines and production.



Bend simulation and offline programming of CNC press brakes from various manufacturers.



Online unfolding, calculation, CAD and NC format conversion, parametric component creation.


Technische Software

Reetzstraße 46c
76327 Pfinztal-Söllingen

Phone: +49 7240 9259-0


Power Nesting by WiCAM in use at Ferrotec

Ferrotec GmbH has been using the PN4000 programming system from WiCAM since its foundation and decided to invest in the next nesting generation, the PN4000 power nesting module, in 2023.

LTsoft is expanding WiCAM’s presence in the Italian market

The dynamic team of LTsoft SRL, was expanded at the beginning of the new year with the addition of Michele Lombardelli as managing director together with Mr. Michele Trubini, and previosly Mr. Pietro Vaccari as technical consultant.


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