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Module Description: Nesting

Nesting automatically puzzles your parts with the best material utilization and the highest process safety. Common cuts for punching and laser processing and combined machining increase the efficiency and reduce the production time. With integrated material management, you enter stocks and consumptions as well as material-related information, such as batches and storage bins.
- Automatic nesting of any complex parts on any raw material (such as standard sheets and remnants)
- Different strategies for best material utilization
- Nesting for common cuts (punching, laser and combined processing)
- Special nesting routines for machines with right angle shears and punch/shear combinations
- Automatic nesting for machines with multi heads units
- Grid cutting
- Nesting of blanks
- Consideration of disposals
- Automatic nesting of grouped parts
- Automatic part rotation in any angle (configurable per part)
- Filling of inner contours
- All results can be changed later
- Nesting for skeleton-free processing
- Mixing parts for grids with parts for common cuts on one sheet
- Automatic creation of remnants
- All nesting parameters can be configured depending on machine and material