In summer 2020 we will publish a comprehensive update for the PN4000.
The new version 2020 R2 (29.3_31) will be available from August 2020.
In addition to various postprocessor updates, the version contains many pioneering functions. Here are some highlights that will be included in the update:
From this version, the ‘JobManager’ is included free of charge in PN4000. It is a separate tool that exports nestings from the PN4000 and generates machine-specific job sheets.
We have implemented a new function especially for the “remnant” module. With the update, in the future remaining sheets can be engraved. This enables much more effecient handling of remnants.
Another new feature in the unfold module is the automatic detection of standard formings such as gills, threads, nozzles, bolts, countersinks and bowls.
With the new update we deliver a completely revised 3D surface in the unfold module. This significantly speeds up the analysis of imported 3D parts. In addition to the more detailed display, the viewing functions such as rotating and zooming are much faster, especially with complex parts.
more update news:
Feel free to arrange an online demo with us in advance to get to know the latest functions and extensions.