The conversion of NC texts has often been an issue for decades when customers buy a new machine. The thought is, why introduce a new programming system when you can simply convert the NC texts from machine A to machine B.
In the past, customers have repeatedly tried to convert the NC code of different manufacturers with tools but there where some issues. Problems with certain functions, different traverse paths, different technologies and the risk that after an update of the existing programming system the conversion no longer works.
With the introduction of our calculation solution we established our own API interface early on which enabled our customers to use parts of the PN product family via an online interface. Here, WiCAM’s NC Converter sets new standards.
Our NC Converter is cloud-based and thus offers you completely new possibilities. Via interface our NC Converter is permanently connected to our servers. The existing NC text is loaded into our NC Converter which sends the NC code via API interface to our servers – our servers convert in real time and output the desired NC text within seconds.