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Reportage d'utilisateurs

CAD/CAM/PPS Group Solution Krones

reportage d'utilisateurs
logiciels utilisés:
lien ERP:
Fabricant de machines:
Amada • Messer / Messer-Griesheim • Trumpf
Ingéniérie systèmes
2. décembre 2019
Langue de la vidéo:


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Points forts du système:


With more than 16,000 employees, Krones AG produces equipment for the beverage industry and food manufacturers. With thousands of patents and about € 4 billion turnover, the SDAX listed group is the global market leader in this field. Different legal regulations regarding hygiene standards, area habits, vessel shapes, materials, foods to be filled in and not least the degree of automation turns each facility into a unique project.

At at almost all production sites the CNC sheet metal manufacturing is the beginning of the dynamic production chain. Having introduced the WiCAM PN4000 in 2013 with convincing positive results in terms of SAP connectivity, manageability and efficiency, the work preparation divisional management decided to leverage these competitive advantages across the group.

In addition to the performance in daily business at the respective locations, the open, flexible structure of WiCAM is one of the biggest advantages in regards to of corporate governance. Licenses can be distributed as needed within seconds to locations around the world. Structural changes, new plants, company acquisitions and the introduction of machines from any manufacturer are planned, supported and implemented online from Neutraubling.

The resulting flexibility and scalability enables Krones not only to grow rapidly, either department wise or as a whole, but also to react immediately to changing market conditions. Today, Krones uses WiCAM’s CADCAM solutions in all sheet metal manufacturing plants around the world.

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Autres reportages utilisateurs

Solution logicielle en tôlerie

Système CAO/CFAO


Système CAO/FAO pour toutes les machines CNC, laser, poinçonneuses, à eau, plasma, cutters, cisailles, fraiseuses à portique et machines combinées

Gestion des commandes


Gestion des commandes, planification fine, confirmation de la production et suivi des délais et de la production



Simulation de pliage et programmation externe de presses plieuses de différents fabricants

Calcul des coûts


Traitement en ligne, calcul, conversion de formats CAO et CN, création de pièces paramétriques


WiCAM France SAS

2 rue Thomas Edison
67450 Mundolsheim

Téléphone +33 (0)9 73 03 58 75


Rétrospective de l’année 2024

Nous tenons à remercier tout particulièrement tous nos clients, partenaires et collaborateurs qui, par leur confiance et leur étroite collaboration, ont largement contribué à notre succès en 2024.

SignAll programme sa machine SEI Laser avec la solution PN4000 de WiCAM

Nous avons mis en service la première machine du fabricant SEI Laser chez notre nouveau client SignAll.


Offres d'emploi