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CAD/CAM Group Solution Mitsubishi

Fiber Laser LVD Phoenix Finn Power C5 Mitsubishi manufactures with WiCAM

Geimplementeerde software:
ERP koppeling:
Machines fabrikant:
LVD • Finn-Power
14. mei 2019
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Mitsubishi is a globally operating group with different business fields. At the Veenendaal location in the Netherlands, Mitsubishi Elevator Europe produces high-quality elevators for museums, hotels and residential buildings. Mitsubishi has been using the CAD / CAM / nesting system WiCAM PN4000 since 2016 for the logistics and production of sheet metal parts.

Production Manager Aart von Ginkel gives an insight into his production: ,Our production has always been characterized mainly by the high quality and flexibility. In order to be able to grow qualitatively and quantitatively on the basis of these core competences, the only logical way was the integrated digitization of our process chain.’

The solutions from WiCAM have convinced us here in every detail. The PN4000 is in central areas the solution for fully automatic programming of the LVD laser machine Phoenix FL3015 and the Finn-Power C5.

The order interfaces exchange CAD data, quantities, delivery dates and other production information in real time. The ERP system delivers quantities and dates. AutoCAD Inventor transfers the 3D CAD data for cabins, doors, shaft sections and special constructions.

Components with bends are automatically directed to the CADMAN-B, unfolded, and generated as a bending program. According XML data with all parameters are created in PN4000 as bases for the nesting. At the launch time, PN4000 triggers the production of the flat sheet metal parts – and thus triggers the production chain. Each part is always in the right place to the minute with all information up to the installation of the cabin. Machine feedback and communication between the PN4000 and the ERP system ensures maximum production transparency.

Production Manager Aart von Ginkel: “We intend to quintuple our production output over the next few years with the same level of quality. The scalable automation and the manufacturer-independent philosophy gives us all freedom for future strategies and decisions in our company.”

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Onze software producten



CAM & nesting software voor al uw CNC machines zoals laser, pons, combi en buigen.



Shopfloor oplossing, geeft op elk moment direct inzage in de actuele status van uw nestingen en productie orders.



Simuleer het buigproces eenvoudig op uw computer en stuur de programma’s direct naar de kantbank.



Op basis van uw 2D/3D CAD bestanden, uw eigen formules en machines berekent PNCalculate snel en nauwkeurig uw kostprijzen.


WiCAM Benelux B.V.

Rijnstraat 495C
5215 EJ ‘s-Hertogenbosch

Telefoon: +31 880215500


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